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All Writings

My Morning Prayers

When I wake up in the morning, the first thing I do is tell God that the day is His, not mine. I recognize that He is my Lord and my God,...

It's Not My Money

I once heard a wealthy and generous philanthropist say that if it were his money, no one else would get a dime. Instead, he saw his...

My Many Unanswered Prayers

When I was a new follower of Christ around age 17, an older Christian encouraged me to keep a prayer diary. He said I’d be amazed to see...

What if God Exists?

I was a dedicated Christian when I lost my faith in college. It was a huge blow to me. Far from liberating me to live however I wanted,...

The Logic of Love

On October 2, 2006, a married father of three young children walked into an Amish schoolhouse in Nickel Mines, Pennsylvania, barricading...

Why We Added a Second Bottom Line

Give someone a fish and they’ll eat for a day, but invest in a for-profit commercial fishery and their community could prosper and...

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